
This site is in an experimental state.
There will be some updates from time to time.
Check it out and come back later.
You can leave a message, if you like to.
Peace out.

German Game Studios(20.05.2014)

A list with nearly all german game studios here


Get a Bitcoin-Wallet(04.05.2014)

Click just right here


Diablo 3(02.05.2014)

Just added some of my Diablo 3 Pictures


Anno 1404(01.05.2014)

Just added some of my Anno 1404 Pictures


Did some smaller updates(04.04.2014)

Nothing special at all. :)

Game of life(26.03.2014)

A java based game of life version


Major update!

OCB Slideshow (23.01.2014)

Added a Slideshow to this site,
where you can take a look at my collection
Visit this section here
I also added the full description to every single piece in the trading section.
Click here
Both available only in german!

Mahjong (18.01.2014)

Take a look at my favorite Mahjong version.
Can you beat it on the highest difficulty like me?
Try it for yourself here

OCB Collection/Trade (09.01.2014)

Now you can see my collection of OCB-Papers France-Edition.
There is also an overview of my trading offer.
Both here
You can take a look at the offical forum as well. here
ATTENTION: German language skills required!

Message-Board (05.01.2014)

Added a new MessageBoard to the site. Feel free and join. here

New Icons (15.12.2013)

Added two new buttons.
One button guides you to the chat.
The other to the board. (Board will be added soon)

IRC-Channel (09.12.2013)

Now you can join the offical IRC-Channel. IRC-Channel

Just added the almost famous Helicoptergame to this Website.
You can try to beat my score.
Play Helicoptergame

Life Hacks (07.12.2013)

Added a list of some usefull life hacks. There is more to come in the future
The list is located here
Auch auf Deutsch verfügbar!

Ask Cobb (06.12.2013)

Now you can take a quick talk with Cobb from Monkey Island.
Maybe he got some pretty hot infos this time?
You can find him here

Version 0.3 (5.12.2013)

+ loading: Comments...here
+ loading: Medialibrary/[Pictures]...here
+ loading: Design-Concept 4...done